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Mission, Vision & Values


To be a premier transportation Company in Malaysia and Singapore, to diversify into other industries and overcome all challenges for the benefit of Community.


We will use our resources to meet all challenges and overcome obstacles so as to achieve the Vision of the Company.

Core Values

Our core values are our guiding force, and it is these values that we hold which form the foundation on which we perform work and conduct ourselves to serve our customers. Our core values can be represented by the six letter mnemonic D.R.I.V.E.S

D Discipline

To ensure unwavering commitment, fostering a culture of reliability,
consistency and accountability.


To acknowledge and embrace the differences of all stakeholders
and work as one team.


To practice honesty and transparency in everything we do.

VValue Our Customer

To continuously add value and proactively design, deliver and maintain
customer centric solutions.

EEntrepreneurial Mindset

To drive innovation and take ownership.

SSafety, Health & Environment

To build the SHE culture for the well-being of everyone.